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Bosan dengan citarasa saus steak seperti barbeque, steak mushroom atau blackpapper ?
Kami akan mengajak anda mencoba resep brown saus untuk hidangan steak istimewa.
Bahan membuat Saus steak (brown sauce)
- 3 buah of tomat.
- 4 siung of bwng merah.
- 1 siung of bwng putih.
- 1 siung of bwng bombay.
- 1 sdt of lada bubuk.
- 1/2 sdt of masako.
- 1 sdt of garam.
- 1 sdt of gula pasir.
- 1/2 botol kecil of saus tomat.
- 3 sdm of saus tiram.
- 1 sdt of kecap.
- of margarin untuk menumis.
- 1 sdm of tepung meizena.
- 200 ml of air.
Langkah Membuat Saus steak (brown sauce)
- Cincang bwng merah,bwng putih dan bwng bombay. Tumis hingga harum. Masukkan semua bhn tmbh air dan meizena. Koreksi rasa. Jika sudah mengental matikan..
Place pork steaks in greased shallow baking dish.. a layer of brown sugar. Dredge cube steaks with seasoned flour. A beef steak with brown sauce and vegetables Beef steak brown sauce served with vegetable and fries in a nice dish. Steak Sauce is a brown sauce that is runnier and fruitier than other brown sauces The ingredients include orange peel and raisins. Making steak sauce is very easy, costs little, and will prove that you don't need bottled sauces to add flavor and moisture to your steaks.
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