This cake is made up of homemade coffee biscuits piled into layers with ginger syrup and cream to hold it all together.
Personalised White Fluted Frill Circle Biscuits/Cookies Wedding Favours/Personalised Biscuits/Iced Biscuits/Thank you Gift/Table Favour.
This cake is part layer cake, part ice box cake, and it has a secret ingredient…DARK MINT TIM TAM® BISCUITS!
Bahan membuat Biscuit Iced Dessert Box
- of Layer Bawah.
- 1 pak of Biskuit coklat (saya Togo).
- 12 of Biskuit Regal,4 biskuit malkist coklat (4 Regal utk toping).
- 4 sdm of margarin cair.
- of Layer Tengah.
- 100 g of whipp cream bubuk.
- 200 ml of air es.
- 3 sdm of kental manis.
- of Layer Atas.
- 50 g of Dark Cooking Coklat.
- 3 sdm of adonan Whipp cream yang sudah di mixer.
Langkah Membuat Biscuit Iced Dessert Box
- Hancurkan kedua biscuit di wadah terpisah, lalu tambahkan 2 sdm margarin cair, aduk rata, lalu taruh di dasar wadah transparan, sambil di tekan-tekan.
- Mixer bubuk whippcream dan air es hingga mengembang, tambahkan kental manis, mixer lagi hingga adonan kaku, sisakan 3 sdm adonan untuk membuat coklat ganache, tuang adonan whippcream ke atas biskuit yang sudah disimpan di chiller. Ratakan.
- Tutup lagi adonan whippcream dengan remahan biskuit coklat, tutup lagi dengan whippcream. Karna sudah penuh, yang satu dituang ganache coklat, beri topping Regal di atas nya, simpan di chiller selama 30 menit lalu sajikan..
- Buat ganache coklat dengan mencampur DCC dan 3 sdm adonan Whippcream lalu masak sebentar di api kecil hingga DCC mencair, lalu tuang ke atas remahan biskuit cokkat dan beri topping Regal di atasnya, simpan di chiller, sajikan setelah dingin..
Boxing vanilla ice cream biscuit on cartoon vector illustration. Vector, Illustration, Gift, Box, Happy, Package, Fresh, Cute, Smile, Cardboard, Food, Cuisine, Ingredient, Cream, Tasty, Delicious, Appetizing, Sweet, Dessert, Eating, Cartoon, Funny, Cold, Character. The Cinnabon Dessert Biscuit is a regular KFC biscuit covered in Cinnabon's cinnamon brown sugar glaze and cream cheese frosting. "But it's basically KFC's normal, OK-tasting biscuit topped with Toaster Strudel icing and slathered in cinnamon syrup. Divide ice-cream mixture among paper-lined muffin cups. Arrange red cherry half and slices of green cherry on each to resemble a flower.
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