Learn how to make different cookies (and see plenty of cookie recipes).
Easy Thanksgiving desserts like marshmallow pumpkin pie, cranberry tarts and triple fudge brownies are quick, simple recipes you can make on the big day!
Import quality Dessert Box supplied by experienced manufacturers at Global Sources.
Bahan membuat Dessert Box *simple
- 3 sachet of chocolatos coklat.
- 6 bks of gery salut coklat kelapa (1bks isi 2buah).
- 400 ml of susu putih (boleh skm yg dicairkan atau susu uht putih).
- 2 sdm of gula pasir.
- 4 sdm of tepung maizena.
- of bubuk coklat untuk taburan.
Langkah Membuat Dessert Box *simple
- Campurkan dalam panci chocolatos + susu + maizena + gula.
- Aduk sampai rata, jangan sampai ada yg bergerindil.
- Masak dgn api kecil sampai mengental.
- Kalo sudah mengental, matikan api.
- Ambil sedikit susu cair, celupkan gery salut kedalam susu tp jangan sampai lembek atau patah.
- Setelah itu susun didalam box, tuang adonan coklat secukupnya, lalu susun lagi roti d lapisan kedua n tutup dengan adonan coklat.
- Terakhir taburi dengan bubuk coklat.
- Tunggu sampai dingin, baru masukkan kulkas minimal 2jam sebelum di makan.
- Selamat mencoba 😊😊😊😊.
Make a box using your own craft paper and card stock. Print one of these templates onto the blank side. Click the box you want to make for further instructions and free. (Add three more simple ingredients — white wine, balsamic, and honey Goat cheese and pepper make these a bit more savory — but if people can eat breakfast for dinner, I can eat these for dessert. Dessert (/dɪˈzɜːrt/) is a course that concludes a meal. The course usually consists of sweet foods, such as confections, and possibly a beverage such as dessert wine or liqueur; however.
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