I absolutely love making this cake every holiday.
These No-Bake Cheesecake Mini-Desserts may be small but they are big on flavor.
Visit RecipeTips.com for more cheesecake recipes and other delicious dessert recipes. baked pastry shells carton frozen whipped topping fresh fruit package of cream cheese sugar.
Bahan membuat Cheesecake dessert box homemade by Naya🧀🌼
- 2 of telur ayam.
- 8 sdm of gula pasir.
- 1/2 sdt of emulsifier (sp).
- 3 sdm of coklat bubuk.
- 1 sdm of susu bubuk.
- 10 sdm of tepung terigu.
- 100 ml of minyak goreng.
- of Bahan diatas adalah untuk membuat Brownies ya (Lapisan pertama).
- of (Lapisan kedua) Cream coklat.
- 120 ml of Susu UHT.
- 150 gr of dcc coklat batang.
- of (Lapisan ketiga) Whiped Cream homemade.
Langkah Membuat Cheesecake dessert box homemade by Naya🧀🌼
- Siapkan mixer. Membuat lapisan pertama (Brownies).
- Masukan telur, gula pasir, dan Sp (mixer sampai mengembang kental berjejak).
- Masukan ayakan tepung terigu, coklat bubuk, dan susu. Mixer bersama..
- Masukan minyak goreng. Lalu aduk dengan spatula.
- Tuangkan ke dalam loyang yg sudah diolesi minyak. Dan kukus selama kurleb 25 menit..
- Membuat Lapisan kedua. Siapkan panci anti lengket..
- Masukan susu UHT dan coklat batang..
- Masak dengan api kecil hingga meletup-letup dan sambil diaduk agar tidak gosong..
- Lapisan ketiga Whiped Cream (homemade).
- Langkah terakhir. Tata brownies dibawah lalu coklat kemudian Whiped Cream. Atau disusun sesuka hati kalian ya mom. Sajikan dalam keadaan dingin mom agar lebih nikmat🤤😊.
When the sweet tooth comes a-knockin', dish up one these luscious dessert options. This easy dessert from Melanie Makes combines chocolate and beer flavors in one simple recipe that doesn't even require the oven. The shortcut version of the classic recipe calls for heavy cream, mascarpone cheese, strong coffee, ladyfingers, and cocoa powder. Mini Banana Pudding Cheesecakes with a vanilla wafer crust, banana filling and whipped cream! With this bundle, you'll receive: No-Bake Cheesecake Low Carb Donuts Cheesecake Recipes Ketogenic Desserts Cookbook Air Fryer Baking Slow Cooker Cake Recipes.
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