An Easy No-Bake Oreo Ice Box Cake.
You're gonna LOVE this Oreo Icebox Cake!
There are a few foods that my husband loves that I refuse to make.
Bahan membuat Oreo Cheesecake Dessert Box
- 12 keping of biskuit oreo rasa vanilla.
- 60 gram of keju cheddar.
- 3 sdm of SKM.
- 200 ml of susu cair full cream.
- 1,5 sdm of tepung maizena.
Langkah Membuat Oreo Cheesecake Dessert Box
- Pisahkan biskuit oreo dengan krimnya. Haluskan biskuitnya. Sisakan 2 keping oreo, cincang kasar untuk dijadikan topping.
- Parut keju, campurkan krim oreo, SKM, dan susu cair full cream dalam panci, masak sampai mendidih. Masukkan tepung maizena yg sudah dilarutkan dengan air. Aduk sampai mengental..
- Siapkan wadah. Tata cream keju, kemudian tutup dengan oreo beri sedikit parutan keju, kemudian ulangi langkahnya sampai lapisan paling atas adalah cream kejunya..
- Taburi sisa oreo yg di cincang kasar. Dinginkan dalam kulkas selama 2 jam..
Oreo Truffle Cheesecake is a completely over-the-top sinful dessert with an Oreo crust, Oreo cheesecake filling, chocolate ganache, & Oreo truffles on top! Beat the cream cheese by itself as much as needed until it's smooth and completely free of lumps. Oreo Cheesecake Bites - Oreo cheesecake recipe cut in squares and dipped in chocolate. Oreo No Bake Cheesecake Parfaits - this easy, no-bake dessert is perfect for any occasion! No Bake Oreo Cheesecake is a cool and creamy dessert with a crisp Oreo crust and a rich cookie-filled cheesecake base.
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