Start with a box of fudge brownie mix and add these easy, creative mix-ins and toppings for a batch of brownies that will be..
Biscuits Macaroon Box,Macaroon Box,Dessert Box,Customized Dessert Box from Paper Boxes Supplier or Bio-degradable.
Product name: macaroon box dessert box.
Bahan membuat Brownies dessert box
- of Coklat lumer.
- 1/2 Cup of cocoa powder.
- 1 1/2 cup of susu.
- 1 sdm of terigu.
- 120 gr of gula.
- of Whipcream.
- secukupnya of Whipcream bubuk.
- secukupnya of Air es.
- of Bahan pelengkap.
- of Regal.
- of Brownies.
Langkah Membuat Brownies dessert box
- Penyelesaian coklat lumer: masukan susu, tepung, cocoa powder, gula kemudian aduk smpai tdk bergerindil. Masak menggunakan api sedang dan sampai meletup (tingkat kekentalan disesuaikan).
- Penyelesaian Whipcream:campur Whipcream dan air lalu blender smpai kaku (konsistensi baiknya kaku atau kokoh).
- Suapkan wadah: layer 1 brownies, whipcream, regal, coklat..
Sometimes starting with a box of brownie mix is just easier. The secret is to take it just one step further to really make brownies taste homemade. I like to customize them with some amazing add-ins. Lihat juga resep Dessert Box Akhir Bulan Ala Kim Irish♡ enak lainnya! The decadent, chewy, fresh-from-the-oven brownie is a classic American dessert.
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