Under the national isolation policy of the Tokugawa shogunate, Nagasaki harbor was the only harbor to which entry of foreign ships was permitted.
Discover the top things to do in Nagasaki, with historic sites Nagasaki Peace Park and Atomoic Bomb Museum, Chinatown and dark, abandoned Hashima Island. 🎦 Nagasaki.
Nagasaki (長崎) is the capital of Nagasaki prefecture on the island of Kyushu, Japan.
Bahan membuat Nagasari
- 100 gram of tepung beras.
- 50 gram of tapioka.
- Secukupnya of Pisang (me: tanduk).
- 400 ml of santan kekentalan sedang.
- 70 gram of gula pasir.
- Sejumput of garam.
- 2 lembar of daun pandan.
- Secukupnya of daun pisang.
Langkah Membuat Nagasari
- Campur santan, gula, garam, daun pandan, jerang diapi kecil hingga gula larut aja, dinginkan..
- Setelah dingin, masukkan tepung2an, aduk rata, jerang lg diatas kompor, masak sampai mengental..
- Ambil secukupnya adonan, isi pisang, bungkus, kukus sampai matang..
Explore Nagasaki holidays and discover the best time and places to visit. As paradoxical as it may seem, Nagasaki is vibrant and charming, and it begs to be explored. Nagasaki is the foundation of Japan's modernisation. When our country's modernisation started after the long age of the Samurai, we learned extensive knowledge and. Accounts of the American justification for dropping a second bomb in Nagasaki.
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