Book Taste Local Life: Nagasaki's Historical Street Walking Tour, Nagasaki Like a Local: Customized Private Tour + Must-see Nagasaki.
Highlights: Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum, Dejima, Glover Garden, and Hashima Island Nagasaki is located at the very most west of Nagasaki is located at the very most west of Japan and is neighbored by Saga prefecture at its north border.
Today, tourists flock to Nagasaki to see breathtaking scenery, historic reminders, and religious relics.
Bahan membuat Nagasari To The Point
- of Bahan A.
- 200 gr of tepung beras.
- 400 ml of santan.
- 130 gr of gula pasir.
- 1 sdt of vanili.
- Secukupnya of garam.
- of Bahan B.
- 100 gr of tepung tapioka.
- 400 ml of santan.
- 3 buah of pisang Ambon Nangka.
- Secukupnya of daun pisang.
Langkah Membuat Nagasari To The Point
- Siapkan bahan-bahan, jangan lupa berdoa yaa 😊.
- Campur Bahan A langsung ke panci, masak dengan api kecil sambil diaduk.
- Campur Bahan B dalam wadah terpisah, aduk rata. Lalu masukkan bahan B ke dalam bahan A. Aduk hingga mengental, lalu angkat..
- Belah pisang menjadi dua bagian, lalu potong kecil-kecil.
- Masukkan pisang ke dalam adonan, kemudian aduk.
- Siapkan daun pisang, Ambil sekitar 1-2 SDM adonan (tergantung ukuran daun ya), lipat daun pisang kemudian tekuk ke belakang.
- Lakukan hingga adonan habis, sambil memanaskan air untuk mengukus.
- Kukus selama kurang lebih 45 menit.
- Angkat dan sajikan, selamat mencoba 😊.
Nagasaki is situated on the extreme western point of the four main islands of Japan, on the northwestern side of the island Kyushu. It was the first place in Japan to have contact with the West beginning in the late sixteenth century. Book your tickets online for Mt. Nagasaki guide: View a guide to Nagasaki temples, museums, Chinatown, Dejima & the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum. Nagasaki is easy to navigate on foot and by streetcar.
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