My mother who used to have authentic German marble cake all the time says that it reminds her of home.
I bought this little marble cake loaf as I saw it was baked in the decorative paper bakeware and wanted to see how it tasted, looked and was packaged since I asked her how in the world the cake could still look so good, have no mold on it etc., She said their products are not made with preservatives but the.
This beautiful Connemara Marble Cake Server is made from the finest quality stainless steel and Connemara Marble.
Bahan membuat Spesial marble Cake (No emulsifier dan No bp)
- 10 of kuning telur.
- 4 of putih telur.
- 200 gr of tepung terigu protein rendah.
- 200 gr of Butter ( Me : wisman 100 + Elle Vire 100.
- 100 gr of margarin (blue band master).
- 250 gr of gula pasir ( 220 gr gula blender halus.
- 25 gr of maizena.
- 25 gr of susu bubuk full cream (Dancow).
- 1/2 Sdt of vanili (ladamme essen).
- 1 SDM of Skm putih.
- 3 SDM of coklat bubuk (tulip).
Langkah Membuat Spesial marble Cake (No emulsifier dan No bp)
- Siapkan bahan bahan.
- Panaskan oven suhu 160 derajat.
- Kocok Butter, margarin, vanili, masukan gula bertahap kocok sampai mengembang putih dan tekstur sangat lembut.
- Masukan kuning telur satu persatu pastikan kuning telur tercampur rata baru masukan kuning telur selanjutnya sampai habis lalu masukan skm.
- Ayak terigu, maizena dan susu bubuk.
- Masukan secara bertahap ke adonan dengan speed 1 / spatula cukup sampai tercampur rata.
- Sisihkan.
- Kocok putih telur sampai soft peka.
- Jgn terlalu lalu nanti susah mencampur dengan adonan kuning telur.
- Masukan adonan putih telur kedalam adonan kuning telur dalam 3 tahap aduk balik sampai tercampur rata.
- Ambil 1/3 adonan ( kurang lebih 300 gr.
- Beri coklat bubuk aduk balik sampai rata.
- Tuang dalam loyang selang seling ( antara adonan kuning dan coklat sampai habis. Panggang dalam oven 45 - 50 menit atau sampai matang.
- Tunggu sampai dingin. Piting dan sajikan. Ini enak pollll sdh teruji.
This striking-looking cake gives you a taste of each of America's two most popular flavors in every luscious bite. Marble cake was one of the first cakes that I've tried when I was a kid. I remember my mother preparing the ingredients, whisking everything by hand as back then we didn't have any mixers. The part that got me excited the most was when she started to dollop the chocolate batter and make some. To me, marble cake was nothing but a dull, confused cake lacking any distinction between the vanilla and chocolate components.
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