Instead of the cake mix kind.
I looked everywhere online and found that different sights had this same recipe.
This pretty Marble Cake is a combination of vanilla and chocolate batters that are swirled together just before baking to give that wonderful marbled effect.
Bahan membuat Marble Cake
- Secukupnya of coklat dcc.
- of Adonan 1 :.
- 3 butir of telur.
- 8 sdm of gula pasir.
- 1/2 sdt of SP.
- of Adonan 2 :.
- 1 sachet of SKM.
- 7 sdm of margarine cair.
- 10 sdm of tepung terigu.
Langkah Membuat Marble Cake
- Kocok adonan 1 hingga mengembang dan bergelembung (me:wisk).
- Tambahkan adonan 2 ke wadah adonan 1 aduk hingga rata kemudian pisahkan 1/4 adonan ke wadah lain dan tambahkan coklat dcc yg sdh dilelehkan.
- Tuang adonan putih kemudian adonan coklat sampai habis.
- Kemudian kukus selama 30menit.
- Siap untuk disajikan. MARBLE CAKE SIMPLE BY BUNNA ☺️.
Then frost the moist marble cake with your favorite frosting or ganache. Marble cakes made their way to America with German immigrants before the Civil War. This is my recipe for marble cake, which has become a family favorite over the past few years. This homemade Marble Cake is so moist and and buttery. Easy marble cake recipe with deep chocolate flavors.
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