The lemon glaze makes this cake perfectly moist.
A lemon bundt cake is the perfect addition to any springtime gathering, from Mother's View image.
Lemon Bundt Cake. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines.
Bahan membuat Marmer cake (lemon)
- of Bahan A :.
- of Telur 3 butir, pisah kuning dan putih.
- 125 gr of Gula pasir.
- of Bahan B:.
- 100 gr of Tepung terigu.
- 20 gr of Maizena.
- 125 gr of Butter.
- 1 sdm of essen vanila.
- 1 sdm of bubuk coklat.
- sedikit of Parutan kulit lemon,.
Langkah Membuat Marmer cake (lemon)
- Mixer putih telur dan gula hingga berjejak, jika di balik wadah tidak tumpah. Lalu masukkan kuning telur, cukup asal mixer ajah.
- Mixer bahan B, kecuali bubuk coklat.
- Campur bahan A dan B, cukup diaduk dengan wisk/spatula.
- Pisahkan sedikit adonan tuk dicampur dengan bubuk cokelat.
- Tuang sedikit adonan putih ke loyang yg sudah dioles mentega. Lalu adonan cokelat, sambil diaduk ringan. Tambah lagi adonan putih.
- Panaskan oven. Masukkan adonan ke oven selama 30-40menit dengan suhu 160°c. Tergantung oven masing-masing.
Meyer lemon cake drenched in a sweet cream cheese glaze. I thought spring had finally sprung until I was greeted with swirling snow this morning. The BEST homemade Lemon Cake is super moist and topped with a delicious Lemon Buttercream Frosting. A cake lover's dream!.lemon cake recipes, from the classic lemon drizzle to Delia's ultimate lemon curd layer cake. Easy, but impressive - Raymond Blanc's lemon cake recipe has been served at his restaurant for the.
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