Additional spices include garlic, shallot, candlenut, coriander seed, galangal, bay leaves, and teak leaves - the latter giving a reddish brown color to the dish.
Gudeg is traditionally slow cooked in a claypot for hours until all the liquid and spices have been absorbed by the jackfruit and the jackfruit meat is super tender and melt in your mouth.
As much as I would love to own a traditional Javanese claypot (they are a beauty to behold), I don't, so I use regular soup pot for this.
Bahan membuat Gudeg
- of Telur rebus lalu kupas.
- of nangka muda.
- of Teh.
- of Bumbu halus.
- of ketumbar.
- of kemiri.
- of bawang merah.
- of bawang putih.
- of garam.
- of bumbu lain.
- of daun salam.
- of lengkuas.
- of sereh.
- of daun jeruk.
- of gula merah.
- of kaldu bubuk.
- of kecap.
- of santan encer.
- of santan kental.
Langkah Membuat Gudeg
- Rebus nangka muda bersama telur dan tambahkan teh rebus sampai nangka dan telur barubah agak kecoklatan.
- Kl sudah coklat buang airnya,lalu masukan santan encer,lengkuas daun salam,lengkuas,daun jeruk,gula merah tunggu sampai santan agak menyusut.
- Tambahkan santal kental,kecap,kaldu bubuk tes rasa aduk2 sampai santan meresap dan hampir habis.
- Siap dihidangkan dan selamat mencoba.
Both varieties use the same ingredients, but the dry gudeg uses less coconut milk, is cooked longer, and has a much thicker sauce. Additional spices include garlic, shallot, candlenut, coriander seed, galangal, bay leaves, and teak leaves, the latter giving a reddish brown color to the dish. It is also called Green Jack Fruit Sweet Stew. For many people, gudeg has only one style, but actually, there are three kinds of gudeg, namely gudeg kering, gudeg basah, and gudeg manggar. Gudeg basah is served with yummy coconut milk gravy.
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