These recipes reflect Cibi's signature style: a blend of traditional Japanese ingredients and cooking methods with Western flavours and seasonal produce.
With a split salmon head, or two, peeking up from a savory miso broth, sinigang with salmon and miso is perhaps one of the most popular variants of the Filipino sour soup.
My version is a simple, yet delicious, rendition that features cubed salmon fillet in place of the heads.
Bahan membuat Miso sop salmon simple
- 125 gr of Salmon.
- 1/2 lembar of Rumput laut kering.
- 1/2 buah of Tahu jepang.
- 1 lembar of Daun bawang.
- 30 gr of Miso paste.
- 1/2 panci of Air.
- of Kaldu jamur secukupnyaa.
- 1 ruas of Jahe cincang.
- 2 siung of Bawang putih cincang.
Langkah Membuat Miso sop salmon simple
- Rebus air mendidih,masukan salmon yg sudah dibersihkan,,.
- Goreng bawang putih cincang n jahe cincang smpe wangi masukan ke rebusan salmon.
- Ambil miso paste masukan ke mangkok,ambil s edikt air rebusan salmon aduk2,tuang ke sop salmon yg lgi di panci.
- Rendam lumput laut sebentar,dan smbil potong dadu tahu,,masukin ke dlm sop kasi kaldu secukupnyaa..
- Trakhr setalh mendidih masukin potongan daun bawang,,siap disajikan.
Thanks soooo much for a simple and hearty dish! My daughter requested me to cook miso soup for her one night. Thank you for stopping by Christine's Recipes. Check out the recipe index for more simple and delicious. Japanese style-broiled salmon just like the restaurants.
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