A wide variety of rice cooker options are available to you, such as certification.
Ask foootrip about Gudeg Ceker Mbak Yus.
Pada smart rice cooker juga terdapat kecanggihan lain berupa slow cook.
Bahan membuat Gudeg Ceker rice cooker
- 1/4 kg of Ceker ayam bersihkan lalu rebus (sy rebus di rice cooker).
- 1/2 kg of nangka gori, potong-potong rebus.
- of Bumbu halus.
- 5 siung of bawang merah.
- 3 siung of bawang putih.
- 4-5 buah of cabe merah.
- 3 cm of kunyit.
- 3 butir of kemiri.
- 1 ruas jari of lengkuas, jahe (sy skip karena ga ada).
- 1 sdm of ketumbar.
- of Bumbu lainnya.
- 1 lembar of daun kunyit.
- 3 lembar of daun salam dan jeruk.
- 2 tangkai of sereh geprek.
- 1 sdt of garam dan penyedap rasa.
- 2 sdm of gula aren sisir halus.
Langkah Membuat Gudeg Ceker rice cooker
- Blender bumbu halus, semuanya.
- Susun nangka gori, ceker, di dalam rice cooker. Masukkan daun kunyit dan daun jeruk. Tambahkan bumbu halus, gula garam, penyedap rasa..
- Tutup rice cooker, lalu masak selama 30 menit. Sesekali dibuka dan diaduk gudeg nya. Test rasa, klo dah empuk n matang, sajikan deh....
But otherwise, the rice was quite evenly cooked. Moving on to the Zojirushi rice cooker, to the naked eye, the rice from. We have picked rice cookers in all budget ranges, and suitable for all types of rice, so you will definitely find the one which suits your needs even if you prepare rice quite. Gudeg Yogya is traditional Indonesian dish from the city of Yogyakarta in Central Java island. I had this dish once a long long time ago and never thought about it until I saw the recipe in The Indonesian Kitchen by Sri Owen.
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