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Chasing Dory Fish & Chips Doric Street Scarborough Fresh fish and chips Mouthwatering fish & chips and delicious fish are the best dishes.
This restaurant provides food delivery for the convenience of its customers.
Bahan membuat Dory Fish and Chips
- 1 lonjor of Ikan dori fillet, potong sesuai selera.
- 1 siung of Bawang putih, haluskan.
- 2 sdm of Air perasan jeruk lemon/jeruk nipis.
- Sedikit of Garam dan lada bubuk.
- of Bahan pencelup dan pelapis:.
- Secukupnya of Tepung terigu.
- Secukupnya of Tepung roti /panir oranye.
- 1 butir of Telur, kocok lepas.
- of Pelengkap:.
- of Kentang goreng.
- of Saus favorit.
Langkah Membuat Dory Fish and Chips
- Siapkan bahan-bahan..
- Marinasi ikan dori dengan air perasan jeruk lemon/nipis+bawang putih halus+garam+lada bubuk. Diamkan kurang lebih 30 menit..
- Celupkan dori kedalam kocokan telur kemudian gulingkan kedalam tepung terigu, kembali celupkan kekocokan telur lalu baluri dengan tepung roti/panir..
- Goreng ikan dori sampai matang..
- Sajikan bersama kentang goreng dan saus favorit keluarga👌🥰.
Heat oil in pan and deep fry the potatoes like french fries until golden brown. The NFFF Fish and Chip Quality Award identifies fish. Had takeaway fish and chips from the John dory whilst in Belford. Absolutely amazing so fresh and tasty. Great fish and chips, lovely owner, good portions, well worth the trip.
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