Soggy, greasy fish and chips happen because the oil was not hot enough.
Oil that is too hot will burn the batter by the time the fish has been cooked.
Fish, a fish, is desperate to evolve into a landling.
Bahan membuat Fish and Chips
- 5 lonjor of Fillet ikan dori segar, iris sesuai selera.
- 2 siung of bawang putih, haluskan.
- Secukupnya of garam dan merica bubuk.
- Secukupnya of perasan jeruk nipis/lemon.
- of TEPUNG KERING : (aduk rata).
- 1 sdm of tepung maizena.
- 5 sdm of tepung beras.
- of TEPUNG BASAH : (aduk sampe mulus).
- 200 gr of tepung segitiga.
- 1 sdt of baking powder.
- 1 kaleng of air soda tawar.
- Sesuai selera of merica bubuk+parmesan bubuk+1sdt paprika bubuk.
- of penyajian :.
- of Kentang goreng.
- of Mayo.
- of Peterseli.
- of Perasan lemon.
Langkah Membuat Fish and Chips
- Potong2 fillet ikan sesuai selera,lumuri dengan air jeruk nipis+garam+bawang putih halus+merica.diamkan 30 menit..
- Siapkan bahan kering dan bahan basah..
- Panaskan minyak yg ckup banyak. Celupkan ikan ke bahan kering,celup lagi ke bahan basah.
- Goreng sampe keemasan,jangan lama2 nanti ikan malah kering,kalo aku suka masih lembab moist+juicy;).
- Tiriskan,sajikan dengan tar2 sauce+perasan lemon,taburi dengan peterseli.yummyy!.
My husband and I really like fish and chips, but not all the grease that typically comes along with it. I decided to give the classic dinner a makeover. Turns out the pickle dip is healthier than tartar sauce. In this video, you'll see how to make traditional New England-style fish and chips. Cod fillets take a simple breading and then get a quick deep-frying treatment.
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