The seafood overall was good but the portions from the combo basket was small.
Now that's what I call a freaking Fish Taco!!
Upon opening my styrofoam box, there were two burritios sized tacos wrapped in paper.
Bahan membuat Fish and Chips Tacos
- 1 ekor of ikan (fillet seukuran 3 ruas jari).
- 1/2 buah of jeruk nipis.
- 2 buah of kentang potong 8 lalu goreng.
- Secukupnya of kol.
- Secukupnya of bawang bombay goreng sebentar.
- Secukupnya of kulit tortila.
- of Adonan basah :.
- 1 sdt of bubuk bawang putih.
- Sejumput of merica bubuk.
- 100 gram of tepung segitiga biru.
- 1/4 sdt of baking powder.
- Sejumput of garam.
- Secukupnya of air.
- of Adonan kering :.
- 1 sdm of tepung maizena.
- 5 sdm of tepung beras.
Langkah Membuat Fish and Chips Tacos
- Fillet ikan (boleh apa saja, ikan dori lebih baik). Kucuri dengan jeruk nipis dan garam. Sisihkan..
- Siapkan adonan tepung kering dan basah. Gulingkan ikan pada tepung basah, lalu kering. Siapkan penggorengan yang sudah diisi minyak. Lalu goreng sampai matang..
- Siapkan teflon dengan api kecil. Ambil kulit tortillanya. Tata kentang, ikan, bawang bombay, kol, dan beri mayonaise..
- Lipat seperti gambar (dari bawah ke atas)..
- Lipat sisi kanan kirinya..
- Balik lalu bakar sebentar. Siap untuk disajikan..
You guys know I love some fish tacos …they were one of the first recipes that I ever posted here and I recently rephotographed that post (because I sucked at photography and was using a not-so-hot. Fish tacos (whitefish) and Grand ceviche (shrimp, octopus, scallops) were delicious. I like that there's good options for salsa, especially mango salsa which went well with the fish tacos. They also have sauces like roumalade and an aioli. Browse their menu and store hours.
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