Serve this Classic Fish and Chips with tartar sauce, lemon wedges, malt vinegar or coleslaw!
Fish is one of my favorite main dishes!
This vegetarian fish and chips recipe uses Halloumi cheese, which is a traditional Greek Cypriot cheese made from a mixture of sheep and goat's milk.
Bahan membuat Fish And Chips Mix Veggie
- 1 bh of Fillet Ikan Dori.
- 1 sdt of kaldu jamur.
- 1 sdm of kecap ikan.
- of Bahan pelapis.
- 1 btr of telur ayam, kocok.
- 3 sdm of tepung terigu.
- 1 sdm of tepung maizena.
- Secukupnya of nestum (bisa diganti tepung panir).
- of Bahan pelengkap.
- of Wortel, cuci bersih. potong-potong.
- of Buncis, cuci bersih. Buang ujungnya.
- of Kentang goreng.
Langkah Membuat Fish And Chips Mix Veggie
- Cuci bersih ikan, lumurin jeruk nipis. Tambahkan kaldu jamur dan kecap ikan. Diam kan 30 menit.
- Celup kan ikan ke dalam telur, kemudian balurkan ke tepung terigu, celupkan kembali ke dalam telur dan gulingkan ke nestum. Goreng dengan minyak panas hingga keemasan.
- Didihkan air, rebus wortel dan buncis kurleb 1-2 menit. Angkat tiriskan. Goreng kentang sampai keemasan, angkat.
- Sajikan dengan cinta ❤️❤️❤️.
The fish batter, however, wasn't good - bland and oily, and it turned mushy while the other pieces of fish were being cooked. This is my favorite fish and chips recipe. It's easy to prepare and your guests will think you're a professional chef! Important Note: Use a deep fryer. It is too dangerous to use even a deep skillet!
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