Peel and slice potatoes into wedges or long strip.
Heat oil in pan and deep fry the potatoes like french fries until golden brown.
The best way to cook them is with a wire basket.
Bahan membuat Dori Fish and Chips
- 500 gram of ikan dori fillet.
- 1 buah of jeruk nipis.
- 1 sachet of tepung bumbu.
- of Tepung tepung roti.
Langkah Membuat Dori Fish and Chips
- Dori fillet dipotong2, beri perasan jeruk nipis. Tambahkan tepung bumbu. Aduk rata..
- Lapisi permukaannya dengan tepung roti sampai rata. Diamkan di lemari pendingin selama 15-30 menit sehingga tepung roti menempel dengan baik.
- Goreng dengan minyak panas sedang sampai kuning keemasan.
Menus, Photos, Ratings and Reviews for Fish and Chips Take-Away Restaurants in Doric Street, Wembley Downs Zomato is the best way to discover great places to eat in your city. Our easy-to-use app shows you all the restaurants and nightlife options in your city, along with menus, photos, and reviews. Had takeaway fish and chips from the John dory whilst in Belford. Absolutely amazing so fresh and tasty. Great fish and chips, lovely owner, good portions, well worth the trip.
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