Use one pot to fry the chips, then the fish, then the chips again (for that crisp exterior and fluffy.
Fish and chips is a hot dish consisting of fried fish in batter served with chips.
The dish originated in England and is an example of culinary fusion, as its two main ingredients were introduced by immigrants.
Bahan membuat Fish and chips
- 2 buah of ikan dori fillet, dibagi 2.
- of French fries frozen.
- of Tepung terigu kering.
- of Saus tartar ala2.
- of Mayonaise kewpie.
- 1 of bawang merah besar (soalnya bawang bombay lagi mahaaalll ðŸ˜), cincang kecil.
- of Acar ketimun cincang kecil.
- of Adonan basah.
- 4 sdm of tepung terigu.
- 1 sdm of tepung maizena.
- 100 ml of air soda tawar.
- 1/2 sdt of baking soda.
- 1/2 sdt of garam.
- 1/2 sdt of garlic powder.
Langkah Membuat Fish and chips
- Keringkan ikan dori dengan tissue dapur, baluri garam dan merica. Diamkan sebentar.
- Campur semua bahan adonan basah, aduk rata..
- Baluri ikan dori dengan terigu kering, lalu celupkan ke dalam adonan basah, lalu goreng dengan api sedang hingga kuning kecoklatan dan matang..
- Aduk semua bahan saus tartar. Boleh ditambah perasan jeruk lemon kalau kurang asam, atau susu kental manis kalau kurang manis..
- Sajikan dori goreng dengan french fries dan saus tartanya. Selamat menikmati 😄.
It is too dangerous to use even a deep skillet! Find the best Fish and Chips near you on Yelp - see all Fish and Chips open now and reserve an open table. Remove the basket and drain the fish and chips on paper towels; season lightly with salt. Serve wrapped in a newspaper cone with. Originally a dish of the working classes, fish and chips have remained a cultural icon in the UK for going on two centuries.
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