Fish 'N Chips is a playable mascot added in the UK & Ireland Update.
Fish 'N Chips appears to be the typical dish of fried fish with chips, wrapped in a togo box served at takeaway fish and chips restaurants and fish bars in the UK.
Fish 'N' Chips is a food item added by the Actually Additions mod.
Bahan membuat Fish n chips
- of ikan :.
- 1/2 ekor of ikan dori fillet.
- of jeruk nipis.
- of lada.
- of ketumbar.
- of tepung bumbu.
- of air es.
- of Kentang (cek resep kentang wedges nya mae).
Langkah Membuat Fish n chips
- Marinasi ikan dg jeruk nipis, lada dan ketumbar bubuk diamkan selama 30 menit.
- Lalu lumuri dg tepung bumbu kemudian ke air es terakhir lumuri lagi dengan tepung.. goreng hingga matang merata....
- Sajikan dg kentang wedges.. jgn lupa cuci tangan dan berdoa 🤗.
Fish 'n Chips is a consumable item/food in ATLAS. It can be crafted at the Cooking Pot or the Grill. Due to a bug Fish 'n Chips only regains Vitamin D at the moment. By The Good Housekeeping Test Kitchen. Crush chips right in the bag: Make a small hole in the top and go to town with a rolling pin.
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