Fish 'N Chips is a playable mascot added in the UK & Ireland Update.
Fish 'N Chips appears to be the typical dish of fried fish with chips, wrapped in a togo box served at takeaway fish and chips restaurants and fish bars in the UK.
Fish 'N' Chips is a food item added by the Actually Additions mod.
Bahan membuat Fish n Chips
- 1 kg of ikan fillet dory.
- secukupnya of Garam dan merica.
- 6 sdm of tepung bumbu crispy.
- 2 sdm of tepung tempura.
- 2 cubes of es batu.
- secukupnya of Air.
Langkah Membuat Fish n Chips
- Potong2 ikan dory sesuai selera. Beri garam dan merica. Campur tepung tempura dan tepung crispy dengan air dan es, aduk hingga rata. Celupkan ikan ke dalam adonan tepung, goreng dalam minyak banyak hingga kuning keemasan..
- Sajikan dengan kentang goreng dan mayonnaise..
Fish 'n Chips is a consumable item/food in ATLAS. It can be crafted at the Cooking Pot or the Grill. Due to a bug Fish 'n Chips only regains Vitamin D at the moment. By The Good Housekeeping Test Kitchen. Crush chips right in the bag: Make a small hole in the top and go to town with a rolling pin.
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