Both of them need a talisman to achieve their goal.
Unfortunately they are fighting for the.
Only the best will do for our customers.
Bahan membuat Fish n chip
- 200 gram of ikan dori filet.
- 500 gram of tepung terigu.
- 125 gram of tepung tapioka.
- 125 gram of tepung beras.
- 100 ml of air soda.
- secukupnya of royko.
- 100 gram of fren fries (kentang stik).
Langkah Membuat Fish n chip
- Campurkan tepung terigu,tapioka, dan tepung beras,.
- Lalu sisihkan sedikit untuk tepung basah,, naahh untuk crispynya kita pake air soda,.
- Lalu baluri dori filet dengan royko sampai merata.
- Kemudian baluri ikan dori filet ke dalam tepung kering.
- Setelah tercampur dengan tepung secara merata.. lalu masukan kedalam adonan basah yang sudah di kasih air soda.
- Panaskan minyak.. lalu goreng dech,,,,,.
- Jangan lupa kentang gorengnya di goreng juga ya,,.
- Fish n chip siap di hidangkan.
Fish 'N' Chips is a food item added by the Actually Additions mod. Fish 'N' Chips has no known uses in crafting. Let me know what you think ;). Fish 'N Chips is a playable mascot added in the UK & Ireland Update. Consisting of deep fried Fish in Batter or Breadcrumbs and supported by deep fried slab cut potato. #fish n chips #fishnchips #fish #chips #french fries #fries #fried food #fried fish #tartar sauce Michelin style Fish n Chips by Nathan Outlaw.
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