Fish n chip Both of them need a talisman to achieve their goal. Unfortunately they are fighting for the. Only the best will do for our customers.

Bahan membuat Fish n chip

  1. 200 gram of ikan dori filet.
  2. 500 gram of tepung terigu.
  3. 125 gram of tepung tapioka.
  4. 125 gram of tepung beras.
  5. 100 ml of air soda.
  6. secukupnya of royko.
  7. 100 gram of fren fries (kentang stik).

Langkah Membuat Fish n chip

  1. Campurkan tepung terigu,tapioka, dan tepung beras,.
  2. Lalu sisihkan sedikit untuk tepung basah,, naahh untuk crispynya kita pake air soda,.
  3. Lalu baluri dori filet dengan royko sampai merata.
  4. Kemudian baluri ikan dori filet ke dalam tepung kering.
  5. Setelah tercampur dengan tepung secara merata.. lalu masukan kedalam adonan basah yang sudah di kasih air soda.
  6. Panaskan minyak.. lalu goreng dech,,,,,.
  7. Jangan lupa kentang gorengnya di goreng juga ya,,.
  8. Fish n chip siap di hidangkan.

Fish 'N' Chips is a food item added by the Actually Additions mod. Fish 'N' Chips has no known uses in crafting. Let me know what you think ;). Fish 'N Chips is a playable mascot added in the UK & Ireland Update. Consisting of deep fried Fish in Batter or Breadcrumbs and supported by deep fried slab cut potato. #fish n chips #fishnchips #fish #chips #french fries #fries #fried food #fried fish #tartar sauce Michelin style Fish n Chips by Nathan Outlaw.

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