Making perfectly fried fish can be a struggle for some, but this recipe makes it so easy!
Remove the basket and drain the fish and chips on paper towels; season lightly with salt.
Serve wrapped in a newspaper cone with.
Bahan membuat Fish And Chips (Copycat Fish&Co.)
- 150 Gr of Ikan Dori Fillet.
- 250 Gr of Kentang Frozen.
- Secukupnya of Minyak (Untuk Menggoreng).
- Secukupnya of Terigu (untuk balutan Kering).
- of Balutan/ Batter.
- 65 Gr of Terigu.
- 25 Gr of Tepung Beras.
- 5 Gr of Garam.
- 2.5 Gr of Gula Pasir.
- 2 Gr of Kunyit Bubuk.
- 2 Gr of Baking Powder.
- 100 ML of Air Soda.
- of Saus Tartar.
- 100 Gr of Mayonnaise.
- 2 Siung of Bawang Merah.
- 15 Gr of Acar Timun.
- 5 Gr of Irisan Peterseli.
- 2.5 Gr of Bawang Putih Bubuk.
- 1 Bh of Kuning Telur Rebus.
- 15 ML of Perasan Lemon.
- 5 Gr of Parutan Kulit Lemon.
Langkah Membuat Fish And Chips (Copycat Fish&Co.)
- Saus Tartar : Cincang acar timun, dan bawang merah. Hancurkan kuning telur dan mayonnaise Kemudian masukan semua bahan saus aduk rata, taruh dlm kulkas..
- Balutan tepung : campur semua bahan kering, kemudian masukan air soda sedikit demi sedikit sambil di aduk rata buat adonan (Batter) jangan terlalu encer diamkan..
- Keringkan ikan dengan tissue, dan lapisi dengan terigu kering kemudian tepuk2. masukan dalam batter..
- Goreng ikan dalam minyak yg sudah di panaskan (api sedang) hingga kuning keemasan, lalu goreng kentang frozen hingga garing tiriskan. Sajikan dengan saus tartar..
This entry was posted in Copycat Recipes and tagged chips, Copycat Long John Silver's Fish-and-Chips, fish, fish and chips, Long John Silver's Fish and Chips, long john silvers, recipe by Mike. For tartar sauce, in a small bowl, mix mayonnaise, relish and lemon zest. Dip moistened fish pieces evenly but lightly in the flour. Whip the pancake mix with the club soda to the consistency of buttermilk-- pourable, but not too thin and not too thick. Beat in the onion powder and seasoned salt.
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