From Middle English fisch, from Old English fisċ ("fish"), from Proto-Germanic *fiskaz ("fish") (compare West Frisian fisk, Dutch vis, Danish fisk, Norwegian fisk, Swedish fisk, German Fisch).
Previous (First War of Indian Independence).
A fish is a poikilothermic (cold-blooded), water dwelling vertebrate with gills throughout life, and limbs—if present—in the form of fins.
Bahan membuat Fish & Chip
- 2 lembar of ikan dori fillet, potong 8.
- secukupnya of Air lemon.
- secukupnya of Garam.
- secukupnya of Merica.
- of Pencelup basah.
- 50 gr of tepung terigu protein rendah.
- 1 sdm of maizena.
- 1/2 sdt of baking powder.
- 1/4 sdt of garam.
- 1/8 sdt of merica.
- 100 ml of air es.
- 8 gr of putih telur, kocok mengembang.
- of Pencelup kering.
- of Tepung roti.
Langkah Membuat Fish & Chip
- Marinade daging ikan, air lemon, garam dan merica.
- Siapkan pencelup basah dengan mencampurkan seluruh bahan.
- Celup daging ikan ke bahan basah, kemudian guling ke tepung roti.
- Goreng deep fried. Sajikan..
Any of numerous cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates characteristically having fins, gills, and a streamlined body and including the. Not everyone like the taste of fish. However, they can be delicious depending on the type. They can also be cute and fun characters to play as in a fish themed game. Just watch out for sharks and bloodthirsty whales.
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