The fillets are dipped in a flour batter that includes both dark beer and sparkling water, and the carbonation ensures a light, crispy fried fish.
The "chips" are simply freshly cut fried potatoes.
Use one pot to fry the chips, then the fish, then the chips again (for that crisp exterior and fluffy.
Bahan membuat Fish n Chips Praktisš¤£
- 1 buah of fillet dori, cuci hingga bersih.
- 1/2 buah of lemon lokal, ambil airnya.
- secukupnya of lada bubuk.
- of pelapis:.
- 3 sdm of tepung sajiku.
- 1 sdm of terigu.
- sedikit of garam dan kaldu jamur dan lada bubuk.
- of pelapis basah:.
- 2 sdm of tepung sajiku.
- 3 sdm of air.
- of pelengkap:.
- of wortel dan buncis rebus.
- of kentang goreng.
- of mayonaise.
Langkah Membuat Fish n Chips Praktisš¤£
- Marinasi ikan dengan semua bahan marinasi tunggu 30 menit.
- Panaskan minyak dalam pan, potong ikan, lalu campur semua bahan pelapis basah dan juga pelapis kering. Masukkan ikan kedalam pelapis basah, lalu gulingkan smbl sedikit diremas.
- Lalu masukkan ikan kedalam pan, goreng hingga kuning keemasan..
- Tata dori dalam piring, beserta sayur dan kentang dan mayonya jgš„³ syedaaaapp dori siap disajikanš.
Classic British Beer Battered Fish n Chips! This is a fantastic fish and chip recipe! The crispiest beer battered fish and chips is an irresistible classic. Serving it with homemade tartar sauce takes it over the top! Every now and then the craving for proper fish and chips hits me.
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