Put the chips in the bottom of the fryer basket and carefully submerge in the hot oil.
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Don't crowd the fillets while frying.
Bahan membuat Fish and Chips
- 150 gr of terigu segitiga.
- 1/2 sdt of baking powder.
- 1/2 sdt of baking soda.
- 1/2 sdt of bawang putih bubuk.
- 1/2 sdt of cabe bubuk.
- 1 sdt of garam.
- Secukupnya of air soda tawar dingin.
- 1/2 kg of dori fillet (sekitar 4 potong).
Langkah Membuat Fish and Chips
- Campur semua bahan kering sampai rata, sisihkan 3 sdm untuk baluran dori..
- Kemudian sisa bahan keringnya dicampur dengan air soda secukupnya sedikit demi sedikit sampai tingkat kekentalan sedang.
- Baluri dori yg sudah dikeringkan dgn tisu dapur dengan tepung kering, kemudian celupkan di bahan basah.
- Goreng dengan api sedang hingga kecoklatan, tidak perlu dibolak balik. Dori siap disajikan dengan saus mayo atau saus sambal.
- Note: dori saya marinasi terlebih dahulu dengan lemon zest, garam, lada (optional).
Best Fish & Chips in Anaheim, CA - The Chippy Fish & Grill, H Salt Esquire Fish & Chips, Little Fishermen's Fish & Chips, Union Jack Fish & Chips, The Olde Ship, Alaskan Fish & Chips, Fish & Chips, Slapfish, Seasurf Fish Co - Yorba Linda, California Fish Grill, Fish District - Irvine, England Fish & Chips, Kitty's Fish & Chips, Hook & Anchor, Carnaby St. Fish & Chips, Ocean House Fish Grill. What we know as fish and chips today originated in England but its origins go back further. Lightly dredge fish strips in cornstarch. Working in small batches, dip the fish into batter and immerse into hot oil.
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