Use one pot to fry the chips, then the fish, then the chips again (for that crisp exterior and fluffy.
Remove the basket and drain the fish and chips on paper towels; season lightly with salt.
Serve wrapped in a newspaper cone with.
Bahan membuat Fish and chips
- 2 fillet of ikan Dori potong jadi 6 bagian.
- of Marinate dori.
- 1/2 st of lada.
- 1/2 sm of garam.
- 1 of jeruk lemon/nipis.
- of tepung kering.
- 5 sm of tepung beras.
- 1 sm of tepung maizena.
- 1/2 st of lada.
- 1/2 sm of garam.
- of tepung basah.
- 10 sm of terigu.
- 1 sm of maizena.
- 1 st of lada.
- 1 sm of garam.
- 1 st of soda kue.
- 1 botol of soda(sprite/sparkling watef).
- of Tartar saus.
- 10 sm of mayonaise.
- 2 sm of madu.
- 2 sm of susu kental manis.
- 1 st of parsley kering.
- 1/4 of bawang bombay cincang halus.
- 1/2 buah of air lemon/jeruk nipis.
- of Tambahan.
- of Kentang goreng.
- Potongan of lemon.
Langkah Membuat Fish and chips
- Marinate ikan dori dengan lada, garam dan perasan air lemon, diamkan 30-45 menit.
- Siapkan tepung kering di 1 wadah dan campur tepung basah dan siapkan diwadah 2, potong dori sesuai selera.
- Letakkan potongan dori di tepung kering terlebih dahulu, lalu masukkan ke tepung basah.
- Goreng dori yang sudah dilapisi tepung basah dengan api sedang sampai kulit berwarna kuning keemasan.
- Campurkan semua bahan saus tatar, aduk rata, cek rasa, tambahkan jika ada yang kurang, goreng kentang sampai garing lalu taburi garam.
- Susun semua jadi 1, sajikan dengan potongan jeruk lemon /nipis dan saus tartar.
Originally a dish of the working classes, fish and chips have remained a cultural icon in the UK for going on two centuries. Best Fish & Chips in Anaheim, CA - The Chippy Fish & Grill, H Salt Esquire Fish & Chips, Little Fishermen's Fish & Chips, Union Jack Fish & Chips, The Olde Ship, Alaskan Fish & Chips, Fish & Chips, Slapfish, Seasurf Fish Co - Yorba Linda, California Fish Grill, Fish District - Irvine, England Fish & Chips, Kitty's Fish & Chips, Hook & Anchor, Carnaby St. Fish & Chips, Ocean House Fish Grill. In a large bowl, toss potato with oil, pepper and salt. WHAT KIND OF FISH IS USED FOR FISH AND CHIPS?
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