Serve the fish and chips accompanied by the tartare sauce and minted peas. (For the Minted Peas recipe, click here.) The tempeh "fish" is crunchy on the outside, tender and flaky on the inside; the chips are crispy and flavorful; and the tartar sauce is perfect for dipping.
You have to try this vegan fish.
Tartar Sauce: Combine the mayonnaise, sour cream, cornichons, capers, parsley, tarragon and lemon juice in a small bowl.
Bahan membuat Fish n Chips with tartar sauce
- 250 gram of dori fillet.
- Secukupnya of kentang frozen sesuai selera yang disuka.
- 1 buah of jeruk nipis.
- of Adonan tepung.
- 5 sdm of tepung bumbu serbaguna.
- 3 sdm of tepung terigu.
- 1 sdm of tepung maizena.
- Secukupnya of air hangat.
- of Saus Tartar.
- 4 sdm of mayonaise.
- 1 sdt of madu.
- 1/2 sdt of saus inggris.
- 2-3 sdm of air lemon.
- 1/2 of butir/potong telur rebus.
- 2 sdt of bawang bombay.
- 2 sdt of daun seledri.
- Secukupnya of garam.
- Secukupnya of merica.
Langkah Membuat Fish n Chips with tartar sauce
- Marinasi atau lumuri dori dengan air jeruk nipis agar tidak amis dan potong sesuai selera. Goreng kentang hingga matang dan kecoklatan. Lalu tiriskan..
- Adonan tepung: campur semua tepung, lalu sisihkan 2 sdm di piring, dan tuang air hangat pada adonan tepung yang lain, aduk, hingga mengental, jangan sampai terlalu cair..
- Balur dori ke adonan tepung kering terdahulu, agar tidak ada bagian dori yg luput tidak terkena tepung, lalu balur dengab adonan basah, goreng hingga kecoklatan dan krispi..
- Saus tartar: potong bawang bombay, seledri, dan telur kecil-kecil dengan ukuran yg sama lalu taruh dalam wadah, lalu masukan semua bahan yang lain dan aduk hingga rata..
- Sajikan ikan, kentang, dan saus tartar dalam wadah piring saji, siap hidangkan..
This classic fish and chips recipe from Nathan Outlaw demands even a homemade tartare sauce. This battered fish recipe uses hake and is given added gravitas by the knowledge that Nathan Outlaw is perhaps Britain's best fish and seafood chef and has recently produced a phenomenal cookbook, British Seafood. We think it's better than Ivar's fish and chips which is the best fast food fish and chips in the USA! Forleden lavede jeg dem til vores aftensmad - en portion 'ægte' fish n´chips. Serve immediately with tangy tartar sauce and fries.
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