Zuppa Toscana Soup is made with sausage, potatoes, bacon (did someone say bacon?!), onion, chicken broth, kale, heavy cream, and parmesan cheese.
It is so creamy and delicious and you won't want to stop at one bowl.
This Zuppa Toscana Soup is absolutely perfect for a cozy weeknight dinner at home as the temperatures start to plummet.
Bahan membuat Zuppa Soup
- of Kulit pastry aku pake merk Edo.
- 1/4 of dada ayam filet.
- 1 bonggol of jagung.
- 2 buah of wortel.
- 1/2 buah of bawang bombay.
- secukupnya of Margarine.
- 2 sachet of susu (me dancow putih).
- 1 liter of air.
- secukupnya of Gula, garam, merica bubuk, pala bubuk.
- secukupnya of Keju parut.
- 5 Sdm of tepung maizena di larutkan air.
Langkah Membuat Zuppa Soup
- Bersihkan semua bahan.
- Pipil jagung dan potong wortel kotak2 kecil.
- Cincang bawang bombay.
- Potong kotak2 kecil daging ayam.
- Cairkan susu dengan 1 liter air.
- Panaskan margarine, tumis layu bawang bombay dan masukan ayam sampai matang.
- Kemudian masukan wortel dan jagung, tambahkan gula, garam, lada dan pala bubuk, masak seberntar sampai matang.
- Lalu masukan susu cair, jangan sampai susu nya pecah ya bun ☺ aduk pelan2 sambil koreksi rasa.
- Masukan maizena yg telah di cairkan, dan keju parut.
- Matikan api, masukan ke dalam mangkok aluminium foil.
- Panaskan oven, sambil gilas kulit pastry.
- Setelah oven panas, oleskan kuning telur di atas kulit pastry yg di tutupkan ke mangkok isi soup tadi.
- Panggang kurang lebih 30 menkt dgn api sedang.
- Hidangkan panas2, klo saya selera pakai saus cabe 😁🙏.
Therefore, "Zuppa Toscana" translates to "Tuscan soup" or "Tuscan-style soup." Traditionally, this soup is made with lots of veggies, beans, potatoes, olive oil, spices, Italian bacon, and Tuscan bread (it kind of reminds me of a minestrone). Transfer to a plate to drain. You don't have to venture out to your favorite Italian restaurant to get this classic, decadently satisfying sausage and potato soup. This so-simple rendition is simmered to perfection in your own kitchen using the slow cooker. Heavy cream is the key to the rich, full-bodied broth--but if you wanted to lighten the soup up a bit, you can replace half of the heavy cream with half-and-half.
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