Zuppa Toscana is a creamy, filling, and flavorful soup that you won't be able to get enough of.
Like the restaurant's, but made from scratch!
Can I make this Zuppa Toscana vegetarian?
Bahan membuat Zuppa soup beef crunchy
- 1 kaleng of kornet sapi.
- 1/2 of bawang bombay.
- 1 of wortel potong dadu kecil.
- 1 of jagung manis dipipil.
- 500 ml of susu UHT.
- 1 gelas of air kaldu sapi (saya pakai 1 sdt royco sapi).
- 2 sdm of terigu protein rendah.
- 2 sdm of butter atau margarin.
- 1 of Kuning telur untuk olesan.
- of Parutan keju kraft dan parsley kering untuk topping.
- of Pastry puff (dipotong sesuai bentuk wadah).
Langkah Membuat Zuppa soup beef crunchy
- Tumis butter, bawang bombay hingga harum. Masukkan daging kornet. Aduk rata..
- Masukkan air kaldu, wortel dan jagung. Setelah matang, masukkan terigu dan susu uht. Aduk rata lagi. Matikan api jika teksturnya menjadi creamy..
- Masukkan ke dalam wadah yg sebelumnya sudah dioles dg kuning telur. Tutup dengan kulit pastry. Olesi kulit dgn kuning telur. Tambahkan parutan keju dan parsley kering di atasnya..
- Panggang dlm oven ukuran 200° selama 40 menit..
It's rich and hearty and oh so comforting. Indulge yourself in a bowl of spicy Paleo Sweet Potato Chili that is spicy and full of beef. I have heard of zuppa Toscana many times before, particularly as a famed dish that is very. You can prepare this soup as the main course in a hearty lunch or dinner. But on cold winter evenings here in New England, I've often poured a steaming mugful and enjoyed it in front of our fireplace as well.
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