This Instant Pot Zuppa Toscana is a copycat recipe of the popular Olive Garden Zuppa Toscana.
Turn off the Instant Pot, by pressing the cancel button.
Serve the soup warm garnished with.
Bahan membuat Zuppa Soup Instan
- 100 gram of knoor cream soup base.
- 400 ml of air mineral.
- 400 ml of susu cair.
- Potongan of jagung.
- Potongan of wortel.
- Potongan of daging ayam.
Langkah Membuat Zuppa Soup Instan
- Tuangkan knoor cream soup base lalu tambahkan air sedikit demi sedikit agar tidak menggumpal, masukan susu cair kemudian masak sambil terus di aduk.
- Masukan potongan wortel,jagung dan ayam, bisa tambahkan jamur juga ya ini sesuai selera. Kemudian masak hingga meletup.
- Kukit pastry nya juga aku pakai yang instan yaa.
- Masukan cream soup pada wadah taburkan sedikit parsely kemudian tutup dengan kulit pastry, oles kulit pastru dengab kuning telur agar warnannya semakin cantik.
- Panggang menggunakan api bawah terlebuh dahulu yaaa nanti kalau sudah mengembang bisa pakai api atas bawah.
Russet potatoes are nice to use as well. Instant Pot or Slow-Cooker Olive Garden Zuppa Toscana Soup is a quick and easy copycat, pressure cooker or Crockpot recipe with sausage, kale, and creamy broth. Instant Pot Zuppa Toscana is a creamy rustic Italian soup loaded with spicy sausage, bacon, potatoes, and kale. Cooking the vegetables in the pressure cooker quickly tenderizes the spuds. This Instant Pot Zuppa Toscana is the perfect mix of the authentic Italian recipe and the Olive Garden's favourite Tuscan soup recipe.
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