Where has the Instant Pot been all my life?
This latvian meatball soup - Frikadelu zupa will be your favourite dish.
When I was growing up, meatball soup (frikadeļu zupa) was served a lot at my house, because the soup had small meatballs , I used to pick them out and eat them first.
Bahan membuat Zupa Soup dg Teflon
- of Bahan :.
- 3 lmbr of puff pastry yg sdh dipotong (merk : edo).
- 3 sdm of mix vegetable (jagung, wortel, kacang polong).
- secukupnya of dada fillet ayam (direbus, airnya buat kaldu).
- 80 ml of air kaldu.
- 1/4 of bombay (rajang halus).
- 1 siung of bawang putih (rajang halus).
- 1 butir of telur (pisah kuning dan putih).
- 1 bh of sosis siap makan (potong2).
- 1 sdm of tepung terigu.
- 1 sachet of keju cheddar.
- 100 ml of susu UHT (klo mau encer bs ditambah).
- secukupnya of margarin.
- secukupnya of penyedap rasa.
- secukupnya of garam.
- 3 of cangkir/ramekin tahan panas.
Langkah Membuat Zupa Soup dg Teflon
- Panaskan wajan, masukkan margarin, bombay, bawang putih. Tumis sampai harum (api kecil).
- Masukkan mix veget, sosis, dada ayam. Tumis sebentar, masukkan air kaldu dan susu UHT. Masukkan penyedap, garam, tepung. Aduk hingga mendidih dan cicipi rasa (jgn trlalu lama klo gk mau kental). Matikan kompor..
- Tuang kedalam cangkir/ramekin tahan panas (jgn trlalu penuh). Taburi keju parut diatasnya..
- Olesi bibir cangkir dg putih telur, tutup dengan lembaran puff pastry. Olesi permukaan puff nya dg kuning telur, taburi keju parut. (Maaf lupa gak kefoto 🤭).
- Panaskan oven. Krn q gk pny oven jd q pake teflon besar dan saringan (tutup kacanya jg pecah jd q pake panci aluminium 🤭) dg api kecil. Panggang hingga matang..
- Untuk lama memanggang q gk bs pastikan, krn sering buka tutup utk ngecek, jd wktu yg dibutuhkan 30mnt lbh (ini gk q panaskan dulu teflonnya 🤭). Jadi utk waktunya tergntung msg2 ya.. 🥰.
- Zupa soup siap dinikmati untuk berbuka 🥰.
Zupa Soup rumahan, roti bisa apa aja kalo gak ad,,roti tawar ajah dh enak bangetz. soup hangat, kental n mantab buat sarapan lezat n bergizi pastinya lets. Zupa Soup, Pondok Aren ile ilgili olarak. See more ideas about Soup recipes, Cooking Easy vegan Zuppa Toscana recipe, lusciously creamy, naturally dairy free and gluten free, loaded with good for you Lacinato kale and comforting potatoes. "Zupa" means soup in Polish, and "ogorkowa" is the adjectival form of "ogórek," which means "cucumber." Like many Slavic soups, zupa ogorkowa is usually served with a side of sour cream, kefir, or plain yogurt that can be added to the soup to make it richer and creamer (as is also typical. Find zuppa soup stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection. Thousands of new, high-quality pictures added every day.
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