Zuppa Toscana Soup is made with sausage, potatoes, bacon (did someone say bacon?!), onion, chicken broth, kale, heavy cream, and parmesan cheese.
It is so creamy and delicious and you won't want to stop at one bowl.
This Zuppa Toscana Soup is absolutely perfect for a cozy weeknight dinner at home as the temperatures start to plummet.
Bahan membuat Zuppa soup
- 1 lembar of puff pastry (merk edo).
- secukupnya of Keju.
- 1 buah of Kuning telur untuk olesan.
- of krim sup.
- 200 ml of susu full cream.
- of Toping sesuai selera (me smoked beef, kagung, sosis, wortel).
- 2 biji of Bawang putih.
- 1/2 of bawang bombay.
- secukupnya of Lada bubuk.
- secukupnya of Pala bubuk.
- Secukupnya of Kaldu jamur (boleh ganti royco sapi atau sesuai selera).
- 1 of mujung sdm margarin/butter.
- 1 of mujung sdt tepung terigu.
Langkah Membuat Zuppa soup
- Cincang bawang putih&bombay, tumis bawang putih sampe harum lalu masukkan bawang bombay. Jika sudah agak layu masukkan toping aduk sebentar lalu masukkan tepung terigu yg sudah di larutkan ke air (untuk mengentalkan, jk ga suka kental bisa di kirangi sebelum dilarutkan/tambah susu) aduk terus wkt masukkan larutan terigu agar tdk menggumpal..
- Laku Tuangkan susu full cream, kasih bumbu lada kaldu pala bubuk, tunggu mendidih lalu tes rasa.
- Masukkan krim sup ke alumunium foil 3/4 taburi parutan keju dan tutup dengan puff pastry, olesi kuning telur taburi keju lagi, kalo ada oregano tambah oregano.
- Panaskan oven, saya 150dc. Lalu saya panggang 15menit 220dc.
It's a soup made with Italian sausages, potatoes, chicken broth, veggies and spices. Of course, we add some heavy cream to it as well, to make it extra creamy and some kale to make it even better for you. You don't have to venture out to your favorite Italian restaurant to get this classic, decadently satisfying sausage and potato soup. This so-simple rendition is simmered to perfection in your own kitchen using the slow cooker. Heavy cream is the key to the rich, full-bodied broth--but if you wanted to lighten the soup up a bit, you can replace half of the heavy cream with half-and-half.
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