The next night I made this vegetarian and vegan Zuppa Toscana again, but replaced the veggie sausage with chickpeas.
This vegetarian potato and kale soup is not only the best soup that I have ever made, but it's also the best soup I have ever eaten.
Does this creamy mushroom soup taste like Zuppa Toscana?
Bahan membuat Zuppa Soup Vegetarian
- 100 gram of Jamur merang.
- 200 gram of Jamur kancing.
- 4 siung of Bawang putih.
- 4 siung of Bawang merah.
- 100 gram of Jagung kupas.
- 1/2 batang of wortel potong dadu.
- 1 btr of bawang bombay.
- of Garam, perasa Dan merica secukup nya.
- of Daun sup secukup nya.
- sesuai selera of Merica.
- 500 ml of Susu full cream.
- 2 tbs of maizena.
- 2 tbs of tepung terigu.
- 2 tbs of mentega.
- 50 gram of cheddar.
- 1 ktk of Pastry jadi.
- of Topping susu kental Dan madu.
Langkah Membuat Zuppa Soup Vegetarian
- Blender jamur merang, jamur kancing dengan bawang merah Dan putih. Sisa kan sedikit jamur kancing utk menumis..
- Panaskan wajan dengan mentega. Tumis bawang bombay, jamur kancing, wortel, tepung, Dan jagung. Masukkan susu full cream cair. Masukkan jamur yg di blender tadi. Aduk terus.
- Masak sekitar 15 menit, masukkan maizena yg di campur air terlebih dahalu. Aduk lagi, masukkan perasa, garam, merica, Dan cheddar. Masak sekitar 5 menit lagi..
- Masukkan ke cangkir atau mangkok. Taruh daun sup di atas nya. Berikan potongan pastry di atas nya. Topping dengan olesan campuran susu kental Dan madu. Oven di 180 derajat selama 15 menit, api atas bawah..
Copycat Zuppa Toscana soup recipe - as good as Olive Garden's with spicy Italian sausage, thick bacon, cream, and kale. Pair with crusty bread and make a hearty meal out this easy Zuppa Tuscana. I realized it's a very close riff to the popular Zuppa Toscana Soup from Olive Garden. So speaking of my own kitchen, let's get to this soup recipe that I made to share with you today!'s vegetarian soup recipes are sure to please vegetarians and vegetable lovers alike.
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