It's so cold outside that I cringe every time I have to go out.
Cold is something that doesn't go over well with me and I do whatever I can to stay warm.
One taste and you're going to forget that sad chain restaurant stuff immediately.
Bahan membuat Zuppa Soup
- 150 gr of dada ayam.
- 100 gr of wortel.
- 100 gr of jagung manis.
- 50 gr of daging sapi yg sdh direbus dan iris tipis.
- 50 gr of crab stick.
- 500 ml of air kaldu.
- 600 ml of susu cair.
- 1 bh of bawang bombai.
- 3 siung of bawang putih.
- 1/4 sdt of lada halus.
- of Gula.
- of Garam.
- of Kaldu bubuk.
- 2 sdm of terigu, larutkan dengan sedikit air.
- 3 sdm of margarine.
- of Puff pastry (me : merk edo).
- Mangkok of ramekin.
- of Olesan :.
- of Kuning telur dan skm.
Langkah Membuat Zuppa Soup
- Siapkan bahan-bahan nya.
- Panaskan margarine, tumis bawang putih dna bawang bombay yg telah dicincang kasar sampai harum. Masukkan ayam dan crab stick sampai berubah warna.
- Tambahkan air kaldu, masukkan juga wortel, jagung manis, daging sapi, dan masak setengah matang..
- Beri lada halus, garam, kaldu bubuk. Setelah itu tuang susu cair dan larutan tepung terigu, aduk sampai mengental (kekentalan sesuaikan sendiri y).
- Siapkan wadah mangkok ramekin tahan panas, isi soup secukupny dan tutup dengan puff pastry.
- Olesi dengan kuning telur.
- Panggang dalam oven suhu 200°c, api atas bawah selama 15 menit (sesuaikan dengan oven masing2 ya).
- Angkat dan Sajikan selagi panas😊.
This Copycat Zuppa Toscana Soup recipe is loaded with sausage, bacon, cauliflower and kale. Made in the Instant Pot and full of flavor, this low carb recipe is paleo and keto friendly. Zuppa Toscana Soup is a traditional Italian Tuscan soup that originated in Tuscany. Both of my daughters love to go to the Olive Garden Restaurant to enjoy the all you can eat soup, salad. Copycat Zuppa Toscana soup recipe - as good as Olive Garden's with spicy Italian sausage Zuppa Toscana and Me.
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