Have you discovered the magic that is the air fryer yet?
Here's how it works: By circulating both hot air and oil in a small enclosed space, you can get the flavors of fried foods without actually heating a vat of oil.
Love Olive Garden's Zuppa Toscana Soup?
Bahan membuat Zuppa Soup ala2 (air fryer)
- 4-5 of Kulit pastry.
- 1 sachet of Cream soup (instan).
- Secukupnya of Jamur champignon.
- 1 buah of Wortel kecil.
- 1 buah of Sosis.
- 1/2 sdm of Parsley bubuk.
Langkah Membuat Zuppa Soup ala2 (air fryer)
- Rebus wortel & jamur dulu terpisah.. Kemudian bikin cream soup nya di panci lain...
- Stlh cream soup matang, masukkan wortel, jamur, sosis & bubuk parsley.. aduk2 sebentar...
- Kemudian masukkan ke dlm wadah alumunium.. tutup dng kulit pastry..olesi bagian atas dng kuning telur sampai rata...
- Masukkan ke air fryer suhu 140 drajat krg lbh 10-15mnt.. makan dlm keadaan hangat, enak banget :).
The question I have been asking myself as of late. My two favorite kitchen appliances are my air fryer and IP, so, I always on the hunt for healthy AND flavorful recipes to make. They are good eaten right out of the air fryer or topped with marinara sauce and mozzarella cheese. Place breaded eggplant rounds in the air fryer basket, making sure they are not touching; work in batches if necessary. resep zuppa soup dan cara membuat krim sup ala Italia lengkap bahan bumbu bikin pastry cream soup serta tips memasak zuppa soup panggang anti gagal yang mudah dibuat di Dulu saya pernah coba bikin cream soup, akhirnya sekarang bikin zuppa pakai resep cream soup yang sering saya buat. Dairy free, gluten free, grain free, and sugar-free, this is one.
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