If you're concerned about the soup separating, since it is cream-based, follow these simple tips for best results.
Made with healthy ingredients like kale, creamy coconut milk, and homemade Italian sausage.
Each step of this Zuppa Toscana soup recipe is designed to build flavor.
Bahan membuat Zupa zupa soup simple
- 2 lembar of puff pastry instan (edo) potong jadi 8 bagian.
- secukupnya of cream soup instan (knorr).
- secukupnya of sayuran beku (rebus).
- 1 butir of kuning telur untuk olesan.
- secukupnya of keju parut untuk taburan.
- secukupnya of dada ayam (rebus) potong dadu.
Langkah Membuat Zupa zupa soup simple
- Masak cream soup (caranya ada dalam kemasan) lalu tambahkan sayuran beku dan potongan ayam yang sudah direbus tadi.
- Tuangkan cream soup ke dalam mangkuk alumunium foil 1/2 atau 3/4 nya saja.
- Tutup mangkuk dengan lembar puff pastry lalu tempelkan sisi²nya agar permukaan mangkuk tertutup.
- Oles puff pastry dengan kuning telur lalu taburkan keju parut.
- Panggang kurang lebih 30 menit sampai pastry mengembang kecoklatan dengan api atas bawah suhunya sesuaikan dengan oven masing² 😊.
Easy Zuppa Toscana Soup Recipe. (Olive Garden Copycat.) The best stovetop recipe for the spicy sausage, kale, and potato soup you love. Thanks to this site, I've discovered my new-favorite soup: Olive Garden's Zuppa Toscana. A reader requested the recipe and I was smitten with the spicy sausage and kale soup at first bite. If you love the Zuppa Toscana at your local chain Italian restaurant, you will adore this soup. The rich soup is made with Italian sausage, potatoes, cream, and crushed red pepper.
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