Zuppa Toscana Soup is made with sausage, potatoes, bacon (did someone say bacon?!), onion, chicken broth, kale, heavy cream, and parmesan cheese.
It is so creamy and delicious and you won't want to stop at one bowl.
This Zuppa Toscana Soup is absolutely perfect for a cozy weeknight dinner at home as the temperatures start to plummet.
Bahan membuat Zuppa Soup
- 4 buah of kulit pastry @ 5x5 cm.
- of Bahan soup :.
- 3 of bawang putih halus.
- 1/2 of bawang bombay iris.
- 125 gr of Udang.
- 100 gr of wortel potong dadu.
- 100 gr of Jagung manis.
- 100 gr of brokoli.
- 300 ml of susu UHT full cream.
- 1 buah of telur.
- of Gula, garam, kaldu jamur.
- of Kuning telur untuk olesan.
- of Keju parut untuk topping.
Langkah Membuat Zuppa Soup
- Tumis duo bawang hingga harum. Masukkan wortel, jagung dan udang. Tuang susu UHT. Biar gak terlalu creamy ummi tambah 100 ml air. Tergantung selera ya..
- Masukkan brokoli, gula, garam, kaldu jamur. Tes rasa. Tuang dalam mangkuk tahan panas..
- Jangan lupa panaskan oven. Gilas kulit pastry dan sesuaikan dengan besar mangkuk. Letakkan di atas mangkuk dengan sedikit di tekan dan tekan pinggir mangkuk pakai garpu. Olesi permukaan dengan kuning telur dan taburi keju parut..
- Panggang sesuai oven masing-masing. Saya pakai otang dengan api sedang selama 30 menit. Kalau pakai oven listrik pakai suhu 200°C ya..
This soup is a regular in my home, it's one of my families favorites! I love that it's so easy to make and it has such an incredible flavor thanks to those hearty bits of sausage. You don't have to venture out to your favorite Italian restaurant to get this classic, decadently satisfying sausage and potato soup. This so-simple rendition is simmered to perfection in your own kitchen using the slow cooker. Heavy cream is the key to the rich, full-bodied broth--but if you wanted to lighten the soup up a bit, you can replace half of the heavy cream with half-and-half.
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