Japanese curry can be made in a few different ways, but in general, the dish is prepared by mixing a curry roux into a base of meat, vegetables, and seasoned liquid.
The entire thing is then slow-cooked over low heat and served with a side of rice.
Japanese curry is a quick, easy, fail-safe recipe, making it an excellent choice for busy people to prepare a simply delicious meal.
Bahan membuat Japanese curry
- 300 gr of ayam, potong dadu.
- 2 bh of kentang, potong dadu.
- 1 bh of wortel, potong dadu.
- 1 btg of sledri.
- 1/4 bh of bawang bombay, cincang kasar.
- secukupnya of Garam.
- 1/4 sdt of merica bubuk.
- 1 sdm of gula pasir.
- 1 sdm of kecap manis.
- 3 sdm of tepung terigu larutkan dgn 6 sdm air.
- of Bumbu halus :.
- 4 siung of bawang putih.
- 5 siung of bawang merah.
- 1/2 sdt of ketumbar.
- 5 bh of cabai rawit merah.
- 1 sdt of pala bubuk.
Langkah Membuat Japanese curry
- Tumis irisan bawang bombay hingga layu lalu masukkan bumbu halus, masak hingga harum..
- Masukkan ayam, aduk rata hingga ayam berubah warna..
- Masukkan potongan kentang & wortel lalu beri secukupnya air. Masak hingga lunak..
- Bumbui garam, merica bubuk, gula pasir & kecap manis lalu aduk rata, koreksi rasa..
- Masukkan larutan tepung terigu, masak hingga kuah mengental..
- Masukkan irisan sledri sebelum api dimatikan, aduk rata. Selamat mencoba😊😊😊.
Picture courtesy of Just One Cookbook. Although you don't need veggies to make a delicious chicken curry. This Japanese Curry Recipe is a little spicy & sweet, with a thick gravy-like sauce that's silky & delicious! I've been in love with Japanese Curry since I was a little girl. The sweet and savory flavors married in a rich brown curry sauce make it so that every bite is exciting to eat.
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