It comes together in minutes making it a perfect weeknight meal, or an easy bento lunch to go.
Soboro made from chicken is the most typical dish, but you can also use pork or some kinds of fish to make it.
Donburi or Don are rice bowl dishes like Oyakodon or Katsudon.
Bahan membuat Soboro Don
- of Telur orak arik :.
- 4 butir of telur.
- 1/2 sdt of garam.
- 1/2 sdt of gula.
- 1/2 sdt of merica.
- 1 sdm of margarin.
- of Ayam tumis :.
- 250 gram of daging ayam giling.
- 1 buah of bawang bombay cincang.
- 1 sdt of jahe parut.
- 3 sdm of kecap manis.
- 1 sdt of minyak wijen.
- 2 sdm of kecap asin.
- 1 sdt of gula pasir.
Langkah Membuat Soboro Don
- Buat orak arik telur terlebih dahulu.
- Tumis bawang bombay dan jahe parut sampai wangi masukkan ayam giling masak sampai berubah warna.
- Kemudian bumbu kecap manis kecap asin minyak wijen gula aduk rata sampai berbulir bulir angkat..
- Sajikan bersama nasi dan telur orak arik.
What is soboro Soboro is ground meat (usually chicken, but any ground meat will do) broken up and cooked with classic Japanese seasonings like soy sauce, mirin, and sake. It's sweet and savory and typically served on rice in a donburi, or rice bowl. Soboro is a super popular bento lunch choice. Ladle cooked Japanese rice into three bowls. Top the rice with soboro, egg and scallions.
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