There are several types of tamagoyaki.
I just enjoy making tamagoyaki and onigiri. fast, delicious and nutritious.
This time i added seaweed before folding my tamagoyaki, hence 'nori tamagoyaki'~.
Bahan membuat Tamagoyaki nori
- 3 of Telur.
- Sejumput of Gula pasir.
- Sejumput of garam.
- 4 lembar of Nori mamasuka.
- 1 sdm of Minyak.
Langkah Membuat Tamagoyaki nori
- Persiapkan bahan2nya. Kocok telur masukan gulpas garam aduk2.
- Beri minyak di teflon sedikit saja lalu dadar telur nya taruh nori diatasnya setelah setengah matang gulung setengah bagian beri nori lagi atasnya lalu setelah matang beri sisa telur beri lagi nori lalu gulung2 masak sampai matang.
- Setelah matang potong2 sajikaannn.
Make your own Japanese rolled omelettes using our Tamagoyaki Cooking Essentials. Do you crave for the sweet and savory Japanese tamagoyaki? Find interesting facts, tips, and Tamago Sushi (Tamagoyaki). We hope you love the products we recommend! Tamagoyaki is a favorite Japanese egg meal that is easy to make but only when you have the right tools and knowledge.
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