I've tried steaming at very low heat as well, i've covered the cups with alumunium foil, but.
We are invited to a dinner party Sat. night and we are supposed to do wine pairing with the different courses.
The first course is a seafood chawn mushi—what do you suggest for a wine to compliment?
Bahan membuat Cawan mushi
- 3 butir of Telur.
- 300 cc of Air.
- of Ayam 3sepotong kecil, udang 6ekor.
- 1/4 sdt of Garam.
- 1/4 sdt of Kaldu ayam.
- of Mrica1/8sdt.
Langkah Membuat Cawan mushi
- Telur, air dan bumbu dicampur rata.
- Saring.
- Dibagi 3 cangkir.
- Masukkan ayam, udang, jamur.
- Kukus selama 15 menit dg api sedang.
- Jangan lupa tutup dandangnya dikasih serbet ya biar tdk ada tetesan air ke permukaan cawan.
- Selamat mencoba.
The dobin mushi teapots are smaller than regular teapots and come with a saucer and a small cup fitting over the top. There are grooves where the lid meets the pot that the cup fits snugly against. Com from sending you messages, friend request or from viewing your profile. Bug; Insect), also known as Midorimono (緑の物, lit. Green Thing), have been described as "life in its purest form".
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