Gyudon is another Donburi (rice bowl) dish like Oyakodon.
Thinly sliced beef is cooked in sweet and salty sauce, which is piled on top of rice, and the rice absorbs all the flavorful sauce… it is just so good.
Japanese Beef and Rice Bowl — Appetite for China.
Bahan membuat Beef Bowl
- 250 gram of Slice Beef Tanpa Lemak.
- 1 sachet of Saori Saus Tiram.
- 3 sdm of Kecap Manis.
- 1 sdt of Lada Putih Bubuk.
- 1 buah of Jeruk Nipis (diperas).
Langkah Membuat Beef Bowl
- 1. Buat saus rendaman dengan mencampur saori saus tiram, kecap, perasan jeruk nipis dan lada. Aduk hingga tercampur merata 2. Masukan beef slice ke dalam saus rendaman. Aduk hingga merata, kemudian biarkan selama 30 menit 3. Bakar beef slice. Jika tidak punya alat untuk membakar, bisa menggunakan teflon. Bakar hingga matang secara menyeluruh 4. Jika sudah matang, sajikan dalam mangkuk dengan nasi hangat.
With thinly sliced beef and sweet onions over a bowl of steaming rice, this Gyudon (牛丼), or "beef bowl" is a mouthwatering Japanese classic that comes together in minutes. Homepage > Recipes > Beef Recipes > Gyudon Recipe (Delicious and Healthy Beef Bowl with Reduced Fat Content). Gyudon (Japanese Beef Bowl): Gyudon (pronounced g'you-dawn) is the quintessential fast food in Japan, like hamburgers in the US. There are several chain restaurants that sell it and it's the lifeblood. This flavorful and easy Korean Beef Bowl is an easy meal prep recipe.
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