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Tempura was introduced to Japan in the mid-sixteenth century by early Portuguese and Spanish missionaries and traders.
It is a Japanese dish of seafood or vegetables that have been battered and deep fried.
Bahan membuat Week 10. Tempura Tuna
- 300 gr of tuna, iris iris.
- 1 bks of tepung bumbu instant 80gr.
- 1/2 bks of tepung roti.
- 1 1/2 sdm of garam.
- 1 sdt of merica.
- 1 sdt of kaldu jamur.
- secukupnya of minyak untuk menggoreng.
Langkah Membuat Week 10. Tempura Tuna
- Lumuri ikan dengan garam, merica dan kaldu jamur aduk rata.
- Siapkan tepung.. cairkan 2 sdm tepung bumbu untuk pencelup.
- Celup ikan ke tepung basah, kemudian tepung kering.
- Kemudian tepung basah dan ke tepung roti.
- Panaskan minyak dgn api sedang. goreng tempura saat minyak udah panas usahakan minyaknya menutupi permukaan ikan. jangan terlalu panas biar tidak cepat gosong. apinya sedang cenderung kecil biar ikannya matang sampai ketengah dan tepung roti tidak gosong.
- Kalau sudah golden brown angkat dan tiriskan.
- Sajikan dengan saus.
It is one of the most famous Japanese foods outside Japan, maybe after Sushi. In the last ten years or so, gluten free diets have become very popular in the US as the population with wheat allergies has grown. View Tempura Japanese Restaurant menu, Order Chinese food Delivery Online from Tempura Japanese Restaurant, Best Chinese Delivery in North Thank you all for your kind understanding and please take care of your loved ones and stay healthy. The side menu other than tempura is also substantial. Please enjoy tempura in an interesting building that won the Architecture Award.
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