Blackpepper Chicken (MESTI CUBA!!) Simple English. سنڌي.
This simple and quick pepper sauce using common ingredients, including black pepper and garlic, is similar to an Alfredo, only much lighter.
A simple pasta sauce using a few common ingredients, this is kind of like an Alfredo, but not nearly as rich.
Bahan membuat Nasgor blackpepper simple
- 10 of entong nasi putih.
- 3 of bawang putih (besar).
- 2 of bawang merah (besar).
- 1/2 sdt of lada.
- 1 sdm of garam.
- Secukupnya of kaldu bubuk (3/4 sendok).
- Secukupnya of saori lada hitam (3 sdm).
- Secukupnya of kecap manis.
- 1 sdt of ebi.
- 1 of sosis.
- 2 helai of daun bawang.
- 2 of telur ayam.
- of Margarin.
- of Minyak goreng.
- 1/2 of timun.
Langkah Membuat Nasgor blackpepper simple
- Iris bawang bombay. Tumbuk bumbu: bawang putih, bawang merah, lada, ebi, garam..
- Tumis bawang bombay hingga harum menggunakan margarin. Tumis tumbukan bumbu hingga harum..
- Kalau sudah menguning, masukkan nasi putih, aduk hingga rata. Tambahkan daun bawang, sosis, kaldu bubuk, saori, kecap manis, aduk rata, dan koreksi rasa. Tunggu hingga tanak..
- Campur telur dengan 1/2 sdt kaldu bubuk dan daun bawang. Goreng pada teflon, kemudian potong memanjang..
- Nasi dan telur siap disajikan bersama timun yg telah diiris 👍.
People cultivate the plant for its fruit, the peppercorn. The peppercorn can be used as a spice or condiment. Black pepper is the dried fruit of the Piper nigrum plant. Produced by countries around the world including India, Brazil and Black pepper protects plants by killing or repelling various pests. A study by Doctoral student Ian Scott of the University of Ottawa's biology.
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