Asam Pedas Ayam - Spicy Tamarind Chicken.
Spicy chicken thigh poached in a stew made from aromatic lemongrass, galangal, made spicy with chili sour & tamarind.
Lady's fingers, tomatoes, a melange of whole spices & fresh curry leaves make this stew completely irresistible.
Bahan membuat Tomato Chicken Stew / Bistik Ayam Pedas
- 250 gr of ayam fillet.
- 2 bh of kentang kecil.
- 3 bh of tomat.
- 1 bh of bawang bombay.
- 5 siung of bawang merah.
- 4 bh of rawit setan besar/sesuai selera.
- 1/4 sdt of pala parut.
- 2.5 sdm of kecap manis.
- Secukupnya of garam, merica.
- Secukupnya of air untuk kuah.
Langkah Membuat Tomato Chicken Stew / Bistik Ayam Pedas
- Tumis bawang merah & kentang hingga agak transparan..
- Tambahkan cabe & tomat. Masak hingga tomat lembek. Kalau kurang minyak bisa ditambah..
- Masukkan ayam. Tumis hingga berubah warna..
- Tambahkan air secukupnya. Kulebnya lihat foto..
- Masukkan pala, garam, merica, kecap manis. Tes rasa. Biarkan hingga kentang matang. Bumbu kuah akan terserap ke lauk..
- Terakhir masukkan bawang bombay. Masak hingga matang..
- Tomato chicken stew/bistik ayam pedas siap disantappp 🍽.
Stir in the water, adding more if needed. Toss in the tomatoes and stir in the ketchup and sugar. Ayam Masak Merah has unique flavours, the taste is beautiful and unforgettable although it shares some basic similar spices (cinnamon, cloves, star anise and chillies) to Chicken Curry. It is distinctively different, be it in the texture of the chicken or the tantalizing flavours in the sauce. The chicken pieces are rubbed in with turmeric and salt and are deep fried till golden in colour.
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