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Bahan membuat Birthday cake fondant
- of Basic cake.
- 8 butir of telur.
- 200 gram of gula pasir.
- 1 sdm of sp.
- 100 gram of wheat flour.
- 60 gram of coklat bubuk.
- 40 gram of tepung maizena.
- 100 gram of butter cair.
- 1/4 sdt of vanilli.
- Secukupnya of simple syrup.
- of Garnish birthday cake.
- Secukupnya of fondant warna biru dan putih.
- Secukupnya of butter cream siap pakai.
- Secukupnya of strawberry jam.
Langkah Membuat Birthday cake fondant
- Mixer telur,gula,sp smpai soft peak.
- Masukkan tepung terigu,maizena,coklat bubuk yg sudah diayak,mixer asal rata.
- Masukkan butter cair,aduk rata.
- Siapkan loyang yang telah diolesi butter kemudian tuang adonan,dan oven dg suhu 180c trgantung oven masing”.
- Kl sudah matang potong cake jd 2 bag (harusnya 4 bag tp sy g ahli motong kue jd hny dipotong jadi 2) lalu siram dg smple syrup.
- Beri topping butter cream dan strawberry jam kemudian tutup dg kue yg satunya,lalu beri butter cream.
- Ratakan butter cream smpai seluruh permukaan kue tertutup butter cream.
- Gilas fondant smpai lebar dan tebal yg diinginkan,kemudian tutup kue dg fondant,dan ratakan menggunakan alat ya,jgn menggunakan tangan agar fondant ga blepotan,kemudian hias sesuai selera.
- Penampakan birthday cake yg sudah dihias dan ditumpuk jd 2 susun.
So you want to fondant a cake, but you've heard it's too difficult? It may seem challenging, but it's not as hard as you might think. With a little practice and know-how, you'll be able to easily fondant a cake. Putting the Easy Fondant Birthday Cake together: First, you want to cover your cake with white fondant and set it on the finished cake board. I laid out all my fondant strips in front of my cake in the.
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