Then, in your electric mixer, all the dry ingredients (flour, sugar, leavening, salt, and ground cinnamon) are mixed together.
Next, the butter, along with part of the wet ingredients, are beaten into the dry ingredients.
Is Banana Cake the Same as Banana Bread?
Bahan membuat BANANA CAKE || NO MIXER || SIMPLE Bangeeet👌
- 150-200 gram of pisang (me:pisang susu).
- 150 of mentega cair / minyak goreng baru.
- 4 butir of telur utuh.
- 200 gram of gula (selera, tergantung kemanisan pisangnya jg).
- 200 gram of terigu serbaguna ayak.
- 3 sdm of susu bubuk.
- 1/2 sdt of baking powder.
- 1/2 sdt of garam.
- of Toping.
- of Meses.
- of Keju.
- of Chochip.
- of Dll.
Langkah Membuat BANANA CAKE || NO MIXER || SIMPLE Bangeeet👌
- Lembutkan pisang. Saya blender kasar..
- Siapkan tepung di wadah bersih, masukkan baking powder dan susu bubuk. Aduk rata..
- Kocok telur dan gula sampai gula larut, gak sampek putih kaku. Lalu masukkan pisang aduk rata..
- Lanjut masukkan terigu bertahap. Dan mentega cair/ minyak sayur. Aduk balik dengan spatula. Sampai tercampur rata..
- Masukkan ke loyang yg sudah diolesi mentega dan tepung tipis-tipis. Hentakkan tiga kali lalu masukkan ke oven. Saya kebetulan pake baking pan ya bun. Tes kematangan dengan lidi. Jika tidak ada yg menempel adonannya berarti sudah matang..
- Selamat mencoba😊.
Just letting them sit on the counter until they. They still can remember how delicious this cake was … EASY, no-mixer, super soft banana carrot bread that reminds me of carrot cake but healthier!! Great Easter brunch idea or spring baked good! This (secretly healthy) Single-Serving Buckwheat Banana Cake is sugar free, low fat, high fiber, high protein, gluten free and vegan, but you'd never know it. This cake is sweet, moist, full of flavor and will be ready in a flash!
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