This one is simple but impressive--it's the one I make to show how much I care.
Soft & moist Eggless Black Forest Cake has layers of rich chocolate cake filled with cherries, whipped cream Have always missed the blackforest cake that was always a celebration cake in India.
Berikut rahasia kumpulan aneka kreasi dan variasi olahan Resep Black Forest Kukus Tanpa Oven Sederhana Spesial Lembut dan Empuk Asli Enak lengkap dengan cara bikin sendiri di rumah ala rumahan (Homemade) yang simple mudah dan praktis anti gagal.
Bahan membuat Blackforest kukus simple & nyuzz..👍🍒
- 3 butir of telur ayam.
- 6-7 sdm of gula pasir.
- 1 sdt of sp/ovalet.
- 7 sdm of tpg trigu+sjumput garam hlus.
- 1 of sset beng2/chocolatos minuman bbuk+6sdm air hngt aduk jd1.
- 2 sdm of dancow bbuk.
- 3 sdm of minyak goreng.
- 50 grm of coklat leleh (sesuai slera).
- of Sckupnya coklat serut+prmen bola2 coklat.
- 3 sdm of butter cream.
Langkah Membuat Blackforest kukus simple & nyuzz..👍🍒
- Mixer/kcok tlur..gula..sp 10mnit smpai bnr2 mngembang..pucat..kental.
- Msukkan tpung..susu bbuk..garam halus (ayak)aduk2 rata pelan..msukkan larutan cair.. (dr minuman bbuk beng2/chocolatos)aduk rata..kmudian msukkan 3sdn minyak goreng aduk2 smpai bnr2 rata agar tdk bntat...
- Kmudian msukkan 6sdm larutan oles loyang dgn minyak tipis2..kmudian tuang adonan cake...
- Kukus smpai matang kira2 35mnit. Jgn lp tutup kukusan alasi dgn kain agar uap tdk jatuh ke adonan cake..matang angkat...dinginkan.
- Kmudian hias sesuai slera...dgn coklat lelleh...atau butter cream...
Modeled after the classic German Black Forest layer cake, these chocolate cupcakes deliver a spongy cake stuffed with a sweet cherry filling, a light and fluffy whipped cream topping, and the requisite shower of shaved chocolate. Pengen buat black forest tapi pengen harga ekonomis? mending buat aja sendiri deh, daripada harus merogoh kocek tarlalu banyak mending buat sendiri, karena kalo buat sendiri walaupun rasanya tidak sama dengan. This version of Black Forest cake gets you an easy, delicious, and moist cake by using cherry pie filling and devil's food cake mix. It would have been much better with a simple chocolate ganache or melted canned frosting drizzled on the top. Harus diketahui bahwa black forest sebenarnya bukanlah kue dari indonesia melainkan dari Jerman.
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